Thursday, April 19, 2012

An Award!!!

It turns out I won an award for my blog from my friend Cynthia at Finding Great Joy, whose blog I read regularly and always find both entertaining and inspiring. Check out one of my favorites.  The award was just the inspiration I needed to write again! 

The rules: 

1. Choose five up and coming blogs with less than 200 followers to give the award.
2. Show your thanks to the blogger who awarded you by linking back to them.
3. Post the award on your blog.
4. List the blogs you gave the award to by linking on your site. Leave a comment on their blogs to let them know you awarded them.
5. List five random facts about yourself.
First things first, I'm awarding the following blogs ( hard to choose ONLY five!):
·         Sue at All Things Bright and Beautiful
·         Lindsay at My Child, I Love You
·         Molly at My Chaotic Beauty
·         Suzanne at The Growing Family
·         Amber at Blonde And Balanced

Five Random Facts:
  • Kids can get into trouble faster than you can read this blog
  • Last week, my one-year-old got a plastic Easter egg down from the table, opened it, unwrapped part of a Reeses chocolate egg and was well into delight when I found him.
  • Two days ago I busted my one year old eating M&Ms from his brother's Easter egg... he had a look that said, "I know I'm in trouble but that was SO WORTH IT!" ...
  • Which is exactly how I feel about chocolate
  • Today, while I was scheduling a doctors appointment on the phone and my three-year-old was supposed to be drawing on the white board...

But instead he was drawing on his legs! 
And a little on the wall too if you look on the right...


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! Thanks for thinking of me. I enjoy reading your posts too! Moms inspiring and encouraging moms is a gift! Keep writing!!!

  2. Oh my goodness...your boys sound like so much fun! Ahhhhh...the drawing on the legs!? Look at that smile! Can't be mad at that...right!? So glad you got a chance to play along. Your words are so needed on this little space of internet. Hope others get a chance to see as well! God bless you!

  3. Adorable son - he looks just like mine.
